Klaidas Navickas
Ritual Art
Klaidas Navickas was born in 1963 in Raseiniai. He has been making traditional paper cut-outs since 1988 and since 1991 has been a member of Lithuanian ethnographic organizations. In Lithuania, just like in Poland, cut outs were used for decorating interiors, hanging on windows or the frames of sacral paintings. In the second halfof 20th century, paper cutting in Lithuania began to disappear. It was revived thanks to J. Daniliauskiene. The cut-outs gained new patterns and use in 21st century. It does not mean that it departed from traditional patterns and uses, it was simply enriched with new ones. Klaidas Navickas creates very accurate, fine works, they are paper tales that draw our attention with a variety of scenes and ornaments. Symetrical and asymetrical compositions, repetitions of patterns, religious and philosophical scenes are characteristic of Lithuanian cut-outs. He presents his works at various fairs and festivals. He organizes cut-out workshops. His cut-outs have been features at Expo 2005 in Japan, generating a lot of interest and admiration for their precision.